Friday, September 25, 2009

Negative and Postisve Pictures!!!

I love these pictures I like the negative more then the positive picture. It makes it more mysterious and more non-realistic. I didnt really like the postitive because it started to show color and it got boring. But the negative is so Freaking Awesome!

Of course both of the pictures came out different. The positive picture came out with a little color and it came out like a mirror. The tree on the negative picture is on the right side. And the tree on the positive picture is on the left side. In the positive picture it is darker towards the bottom and you can hardely see anything but in the negative you can see everything clearly just not in color.

Negative:expressing or containing negation or denial :refusing consent, as to a proposal :expressing refusal to do something :prohibitory, as a command or order :characterized by the absence of distinguishing or marked qualities or features; lacking positive attributes :lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like :being without rewards, results, or effectiveness.

Negative Photography: noting an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightest areas are shown as the darkest.

The negative and the positive pictures are different because the negative shows the brightest values which are meaning they are the darkest. That is why the trees and the table are so bright in my pictures that when I turn it into a positive the trees and the table come out dark. And as for the sky it is dark in the negative picture and comes out bright on the positive picture. There is refraction recouring in this picture and it happens to most of the pictures.

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

Minor White was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1908. He went to go study in the University of Minnesota. He worked as a photographer with the Works Progress Administration in Oregon in 1938-1939. In 1945 he moved to New York City and study at the University of Columbia. In 1946 he worked with another great photographer of the name of Ansel Adams at California School of Fine Arts as a assistent. 1953-1965 he worked at the Eastman House and tought at the Rochester Insitute of Photography. In 1965 he became a professor of photography at the MIT (Massachuttes Insitute of Technology). He served until he died in 1976 making him 68 years old. He was a great photography and he did photography known as Textural photography. Which is when he takes pictures of items such as a bush, tree, cracks in the road, or even a rusted up car. He was an American photographer, poet, educator, and a critic.

Photographer: Minor White

This picture is just amazing. The tree is so awesome how it covers the moon. The things hanging off the tree amaze me. This picture is beautiful. The darkness helps the moon and tree stand out and picture truly does grab your attention. Minor White takes beautiful pictures. He doesnt really use much people to capture the beauty in his pics. But he uses the earth instead of real life. He uses what surrounds us every day. Using the earth is what makes it a really great picture. I truly love this picture it is so AWESOME!!! And I love the MOON thats why I chose this to be one of my favorite pictures

This is a great picture took by Minor White. How it looks like the water has just stoped. And how the tree sprails around itself. The first thing I saw from the picture was the tree that stood with great form and beauty. This is a really great picture I really like this picture!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Minor White:

I Love this picture! How the darkness feels the earth and how the water moves. The storm how it passes trough the ocean. And how the white comes into the photo beautifully. REALLY REALLY REALLY AWESOME PICTURE!!!

Ansel Adams:
This picture is beautiful! How the snow goes into the bark of the tree. The surounding of winther in the picture. And of course its away from humans. It is a picture of the real world how it really is! REALLY REALLY AWESOME!!!

Carlenton Watzins:
I like this photographer because he uses the land instead of preople. He uses the picture with the world instead of us humans. The water is beautiful how it streaks down the rocks. AWESOME PIC!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009


This picture shows simplicity because it gives the attenion to the smoke emmerging form the building. It doesn't give much "caught eye scences" anywhere else. This picture was well tooken i love this picture.

This picture shows the rule of thirds. The police officer in the right corner goes well the picture. Also the flag is shown really well with the whole picture. I love this picture it gives attention to many things including the center, flag , and the police officer.


This picture shows balance. The colors, the wall, and the meaning show so much balance. The picture is so great. It caught my eye, love this picture.


This picture shows lines. The lines show the center of the person falling and the smoke. To me the lines come into the picture and makes it more amazing. Even though it was a tragic day this picture shows a lot.


This picture is an example of avoiding emerges because it focuses on the buildings and cars. And the background is covered with smoke and it doesnt destract the buliding or cars. This is a great picture.

This is a picture with framing because the explosion and the destruction is in the background of the picture. And the fore ground gives the center more depth so it looks interesting.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


parallax: the distance from to two lines from obeject to background.

pentaprism: it is a 5 sided prism that reflects light by 90 degrees.

light: which is visble to a human eye, wavelength.

Optic: controls the behavior of the visability ultraviolet, and infrared light used for the image.

aperture: an opening or a crack.

shutter: is a mechanical devise used to close the aperture on the lens.

exposure: a picture being shown by photosensitive surface to rays of light.

depth of field: the distance along the axis to the oject from the background.

F-stop: is able to ajust the aperture.

focal length: the distance from and object from a corresponding focal plane.

Friday, September 4, 2009

This is by far the greatest picture that caught my eye.It shows lightning and a great explosion and pure darkness. Even though most of our lives are made from happyness this picture shows that our life isnt every day happiness. You never know what will happen. You can see the lightning in the fog and which makes it real awesome! This picture is truely amazing! The VERY BEST!!!
I enjoyed this picture because of the lightning in the back ground, that really amazed me! And you would hardly see a priest in handcuffs that what makes it unique. And it is dark and mysterious, AWESOME!
I LOVE this picture because of how the picture came out. The way the water flows it seems non real! It just looks like fog streaming down. The Best one!!! This picture is not blurry and you can see the whole meaning and details. This picture is not warped at all not even a litlle bit just a straight up picture is what you see. The focus looks hard because you can see the picture which by the way looks great!
This picture is not really blury you can see most of the detail. The focus is hard cause you can the deatils. It warps but you can still see the picture. I like this pinhole picture cause it is very interesting! Its very mysteroius and the trees look awesome!And it is really dark, there is a few light in some places!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is my favorite picture because she is smiling! And it looks like she is shining in the picture. The most important thing that her eyes are open! :)

This is my least favorite because she blinked. And it is not very intersting to me. And maybe the main reason because Mr. Revees is in there! jk :)