This photo amused me because of the surrounding of the man.He is just surrouned by many lines.Which is the compostion the photographer is showing as the lines lead to the man as he works. It looks really awesome.
This pictured amused me because of the light. The photographer uses reptition.And the holding of the light repeats itself.
This pictured amused me cause of the person is either stuck in the gate or isnt but it still looks fuuny. The photographer is using balance because both sides are almost balanced. I just really like this picture.
1. What was your most favorite memory of your holiday break?
Well my favorite memory was I can not say :) but my second was spending time with the family!!! But I hated when they were popping the fireworks, scared me deathly!!!
2. Did you go anywhere or do anything fun? If you did, please tell me. If not, tell me what you did do on break?
I went to Roundrock to go see the movie "Where the Wild Things Are" That is an awesome movie. But the movie was very Bipolar! It was funny,sad,scary,werid, but it was Still Awesome!!! :)
3. When you look back at 2009, what do you think you will remember the most when you 225 years old? This can be worldly events, local things, personal achievements or events.
That I had an awesome Quince!!! That this year I will never forget but cannot say why :)
That many things had changed for me!!! And that I passed the first semester of 9th grade!!!
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